Wednesday, December 12, 2007

More Thanks

I'm having trouble writing lately. Just going over everything again that's happening right now in my mind to put into words, is not enjoyable nor is it helpful to dwell on how much Todd is missed around here.

I did want to thank everyone again for their prayers, however. God is good. I know many are praying, and for that I am so grateful and appreciative. It is through the prayers of God's people that God is able to answer and give strength to go through each day. The burden feels greater than ever, but our God is able. Thank you for your prayers. God is indeed very good.

I hope Todd is able to see the children singing in church Christmas programs, wrapping gifts for each other and for their friends and teachers, jumping up and down in excitement of the big day approaching quickly, and talking about him in nearly every conversation. I can't seem to stop the tears lately.

Thank you for your prayers.


John Cremeans said...


You are quite the blogger. It was awesome to get reconnected today. Thanks to Beth for that! I honored that you would have me listed on your blog (not sure if I fit with some of the other listings...). I hate what you are having to go through. You are an amazing person and your kids are blessed to have you for a Mom! Fellowship is so honored to get to come along side you. I look forward to staying in touch.

Wendy said...

Yes, thank you, Beth, and thank you GOD! I can't tell you how great it was to see you again. And how does one say thanks for all you gave? Not just the material things (which were great by the way), but your encouragement, love, and care were equally, if not more, appreciated. Thanks, John. Keep up the great work with Fellowship. I'm praying for you and for the church. Thanks again. Wow. What a huge blessing you and Fellowship are. Thank you.