Thursday, March 6, 2008

God's Goodness

Today has been a long day. My heart has been heavy for Kelly and her family, and my prayers have been with them, as well as with Fireman Picozzi's family. Tonight after work, the girls helped me make cookies, and we took them over to the "new" house, across the street from their burned home. Yesterday we were praising God for a kind neighbor, who had taken his house off the market and allowed Kelly's family to stay there until they could rebuild. As we stood in the empty house yesterday, looking across the street at the still smoldering home, I never dreamed or imagined what I would see tonight.

Since early this morning, friends, neighbors, family, church members, and strangers, have been dropping and donating furniture, clothing, dishes, food...the list goes on and on. The house is now full of God's blessings on this family! Kelly and Jay had tears in their eyes, overwhelmed in showing me the filled rooms. Amazing.

On the way home the kids remarked how the whole thing reminded them of Job. They noted Uncle Jay's testimony, how he and Aunt Kelly never once complained about all they lost, only voicing their concern and prayers for the fireman's family who had died yesterday. Their focus never appeared on their own loss, but always on the family that lost so much more. Uncle Jay had told the news people, "We can replace the things we lost, but you can't replace a life. Our prayers are with the family." Today, God blessed their testimonies abundantly. He poured His love out on that family through the neighbors, family, church members, and even strangers.

Speaking of family...the Choate family is a blessing in itself. They have endured much tragedy over the years, yet their love for God and for each other has been and continues to be always outstanding. Yesterday and tonight I witnessed a love and bond that few families have. The difficult times drive them closer to each other and closer to God. The hard part was in watching Jay, Rick, and Paul working so hard, and not having Todd or my brother, Dave (more on him soon!), working alongside them. Todd's absence was huge. These are the times that make missing Todd so intense. Today marks 34 months since his death. I miss him so very, very much.

In closing tonight, I wish I had a picture or movie to share with everyone of the scene at Kelly's house. God's love. God's provision. God's goodness! It would draw your heart closer to Him. God is good.

1 comment:

Beth said...

The BBC prayer e-chain sent out a request for Jay & Kelly, and the firefighter. So glad you posted so we could read how God blessed this family above and beyond what anyone could have expected. God is good, all the time! Even when we cannot see the good. But some day we will and then we will be able to rejoice in how He orchestrated everything.
Continuing to pray for you and your dear family.
Love in Him,