Thursday, February 5, 2009

Esther's Story

I've been studying the story of Esther for the 4 and 5 year old Sunday School class, and I'm repeatedly reminded of how God can use us/her when we continue to trust matter what. Esther's faith was amazing. I'm learning so much, and I thought this was one of those familiar, easy-to-tell Bible stories! It will be a challenge to express these things to four and five year olds, but I'm looking forward, again, to how God will work out those details this Sunday.

The story of Esther was Todd's favorite. He loved that book in the Bible and was fascinated with the story. He talked often about it. After his surgery, unfortunately his thinking had changed and many times this would make him appear almost childlike in his requests and questions. When our pastor came to visit him one time, he asked Todd what passage of Scripture was Todd's favorite, so that he could read it for him (Todd had lost part of his vision from a stroke he suffered during surgery). Todd immediately said, "Esther!" Our pastor asked what part of Esther, and Todd said the whole thing! I felt so badly for our pastor, who spent nearly 45 minutes reading to Todd that precious story. Todd was so thankful. I was thankful for our pastor's willingness to sit and read the entire book of Esther to Todd that day. A neat memory, and one I will always cherish.

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