Today I was feeling extra sad, missing Todd and praying my way through the day. Todd never needed an occassion or a reason for giving me flowers, especially roses. If he was passing a flower shop or a place that sold flowers and they caught his eye, he would bring me home roses.
When Todd knew he was going to die, without me knowing, he talked to my sister and told her that he wanted her to buy me a rose bush. He said he wanted me to continue to receive roses from him, even when he was not here physically to give them to me. On the Sunday after he died, my sister and brother-in-law planted that very special gift from Todd to me. It is a treasure.
I was walking slowly up the driveway today, thinking about Todd and how much I miss him, feeling extra sad, and looked up to see this rose in full bloom today, on a day I needed it badly; I had to take a picture.
Thank you, Todd. I love you too.
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