Today the girls went to an orientation for enrollment at another cyber school, and both Winter and Toby had to be tested. I had no doubt about Winter, who did very well in 5th grade, and easily passed her tests to enroll in the 6th grade, after my home-schooling attempt this past year. However, I was a little more concerned with the Tobster, after I failed so miserably at home schooling her in Kindergarten. I wish you could have seen her smiling from ear to ear, when she learned she is officially enrolled in FIRST GRADE! Yay, Toby!
I'm still deciding what will be the best for the children in schooling next year. I don't like decisions...especially such huge ones. I know God will lead. He always does. I pray I am tender and open to what HE wants us to do next year! Right now, I am thanking Him for a successful year of school, despite my short-comings! God is good.
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