Today is Nathan's 17th birthday. He is a miniature Todd...more like Todd than any of our children, although all have their resemblances. I know his Dad is as proud as I am of this young man, who is growing more every day....not only physically, but more spiritually and like Jesus, too. Nathan has his Dad's commitments to God and his Dad's work ethic as well.
I'm doing my best to make today special. What do you think he wanted for his birthday dinner? To go out for pizza? steak? No, he wanted me to make him a roast beef dinner with mashed potatoes, because "no one can top my potatoes." (just like Todd always said and was his favorite meal as well) Even the cake is the same: yellow cake and chocolate frosting. Todd always preferred to eat in the dining room for dinner. It's hard to eat in there, but of course, Nate asked if we could tonight. The table is cleared, new tablecloth, set for tonight, only with one important place empty.
The mixed feelings today are difficult. I want to cry, yet I want today to be happy for the kids. I'm trying. Nathan is 17! wow.
See? You're doing a great job of raising the children! In a way, Todd lives on in them (not in a freaky-weird way, in the good ways-that bring joy to your heart). He would be proud of Nathan, but he would be proud of you, too. The fact you are trying is the fact you care- and that's all they want. ((hugs)) and continued prayers
Nathan is so handsome I can't stand it.
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