Toby (4 yo) often asks me when Daddy is coming back down here. Whenever she has something to show him, or when she's crying about being hurt or just sad, she asks me, almost pleading with me, and says, "I want Daddy down here now." Yesterday she came to me with this fabulous lego design and told me it was a rocket. She has a great imagination (I had to have one too with what she showed me!), and she told me, "This rocket is big, so Daddy can come down here and take us back with him to heaven. And then we can come back here and he can go back up to heaven if he wants to." The whole time she was moving her "rocket" high into the air as far as she could reach and back down on the floor. A rocket to heaven would be nice. Someday we'll get there without a rocket, and a lot faster! I can't wait for Jesus to come back. I'm listening daily for the trumpet...
Forts. I was having a difficult day yesterday. In tears, crying out to God for His help, my thoughts went to family devotions. I've tried so many different things, but could never get everyone's attention (ages 4 to 18 now) like Todd could. Todd was so good with family devotions. He made them fun and even I enjoyed that special time we would have together as a family. I rarely have done them; compared to how it used to be, it's helpless. I asked God for wisdom. Something amazing, only from God, came to mind.
Today Nathan has designed and built a fort. It is in the shape of a bust, only with a square "head." It has two gates in the front, and one on each side. The walls around the shoulders are not as high, but have no gates. Picture this? The "gates" will represent our eyes and ears. Inside is going to be our battle ground. The girls are going to help me stencil/stamp words on the inside walls: good, honest, true... Our brain is the battle ground. We are going to try to guard our heart, or as Tiffany has labeled it, "The Throne Room" where our King, Immanuel, will be. It is vulnerable, with lower walls, but it will be our duty to keep the enemy from inhibiting Him.
Tonight we bought some little soldiers. The kids are so excited. We can do so much with this. Once it's completed, there are so many lessons we can gleam from it, and the younger ones will be able to "see" it come to life. The picture shows the beginning stages...I'll have to take more pictures after the kids decorate it. I'm so excited. God is so good.
Thank you, God, for visions of rockets and heaven, and for forts and the protection you give us from our enemies.