Ok, so I began working for an online tutoring company to help students with the writing of their papers, most of which are college students. The students submit their papers, and I "review" their work, always commenting on the reasons why I suggest they make certain corrections. It's tedious. Each comment must be carefully worded, so that I do not edit or otherwise make changes myself to their papers. It is their work; I only can make suggestions.
I've noticed two things while reviewing college papers. One, there is generally a major lack of understanding English grammar and applying such knowledge to writing academic papers in today's college classes. Two, there is also generally a major lack of knowledge of the truth and moral integrity in today's college students; many papers are filled with doubt, immorality, and a sense of feeling lost.
I don't consider myself "old," despite the many comments from my children; however, I am realizing that the older I get, the farther away the youth are getting from Biblical truth and moral integrity (and seemingly, the farther away from an intellectual academic standard). Growing up, I was not perfect in any sense of that word, nor was I gifted intellectually. However, I was taught and given examples of moral integrity and a striving for excellence in my schoolwork that is far above what students are exhibiting today.
My aunt went to heaven yesterday. She lived a long life, and I will cherish the memories I have of her while I was growing up. You could definitely title her, "old school." By that I mean she had high standards for living and loved the Lord her God. She was "proper." I remember several lectures while growing up and even in my early married years. "Wendy, you ought to know it isn't proper to..." or with that smirk and lifted eyebrows, "Wendy, you know better!" There was one particular instance when she stopped playing a game with us because she refused to play with a cheater, one who did not strictly heed to the rules during play. It was on principle. She would not participate in such a game. I tried to explain we were only joking around, but it didn't matter. It was cheating. (Note: I was the cheater. We were playing Pictionary and I got desperate and wrote the word after trying so hard to draw the word for Todd to guess. We won that round. But my aunt moved to the living room and would not finish the game with the rest of us, leaving my uncle to fend for himself.)
So what is my point exactly? I'm not sure. I was just thinking about my aunt while working at my new job today. I miss her. I miss the "old school." I miss the days where Biblical truth and moral integrity abided with the majority. May God help the older generations to stand for truth and to strive for excellence and to be good examples for the youth.