Tuesday, July 10, 2012

June 10, 2012

One year ago today I heard that my cousin, Tommy Mills Jr, was killed in a motorcycle accident. I wasn't close with Tommy, but his Dad lost Aunt Phylis about five years ago around this same time. I have been thinking and praying for Uncle Tom all day. My heart aches for him. To lose a wife is extremely difficult and painful, and I know Uncle Tom had some very difficult years. And now, a year ago today, he lost his son. His only son. I wish I could give my Uncle Tom a big hug right now.

In other news, well, not much is happening here at the moment. I should be writing puppet scripts for my church's Vacation Bible School. Every time I start to work on them, my mind wanders. I can't seem to stay focused on the scripts! I am not sure why, but I think of Todd a lot recently. I mean A LOT! Every night I wish we could talk. I miss that "catch-up" of the day's events and how we were doing, etc. "Daddy and Mommy Time" is sure missed! Nathan found a new job working for UPS. He loves it. I'm very excited for him and so proud of him. He looks and acts just like his Dad. The uniform he wears, the way he takes off his boots at the end of the day, his mannerisms. It's almost eerie.

Keeping Uncle Tom in my thoughts and prayers and missing Todd all day today can make writing puppet scripts seem so minor. I need to make it more of a priority, but am not sure how to do that. Oh well. Back to work on the scripts (or praying for Uncle Tom or dreaming of Todd or talking to Todd...).