Then I had an unexpected blessing. One of my favorite singers ever is Steve Green. I found out he was doing a concert in our area, so after church on Sunday night, we went to see what was going on. I ended up getting a ticket, and then afterwards even got my picture taken with him!!! .

Now, ever taken a long trip in a car? van? ...more than just a few hours? Last weekend I drove in a van with 8 kids to South Carolina!! Why? We went to pick up my friends' son from Bob Jones University. My friend was too sick to drive that far (don't know where we would have fit her anyway), so driving that far away from home without any other adult, was, well, interesting. We put together a short video:
So, it's been one crazy or wild thing after another lately. Even with all the fun, all the pain in missing Todd during the fun, all the near heartattacks and all the heartbreak, I am so thankful and praising God for the family He has so richly blessed me with. He is way too good to me.
In Jehovah do I take refuge:...If the foundations be destroyed,4 Jehovah is in his holy temple; Jehovah trieth the righteous; ... For Jehovah is righteous; he loveth righteousness: Psalm 11