We were careful to give God all praise and to trust Him for whatever He had for us through those two weeks. I'm so thankful that my son bought a whiteboard and bulletin board for our kitchen. We have been using the whiteboard for a prayer/praise list and we pray together after dinner every night. It's been a special time for us, but with the "van issue" it has proven to show not only me, but the children, God's special love and care for us....us, the Radle Family.
There have been so many literal miracles that have taken place, and praying together as a family for specifics, has helped us all to see those miracles and has made God even bigger in our eyes. He is in control. Yes, we know God loves and cares for us, but to SEE and FEEL this has been an incredible blessing that is difficult to describe. God cares for ME. He truly wants the best for me.
Well, He provided the best and beyond what we could ever have dreamed or hoped for. So many "little" things worked together for us in His perfect timing, and now we are rejoicing and basking in His love for us. The details are exciting, but I'll need to share them at another time. I just wanted to thank those who have prayed and give God praise for His wonderful and amazing works on our behalf. The end result:
OUT WITH THE OLD (and completely useless at this point):
...when I say NEW, I mean NEW! This is a 2006 and is fully loaded and hardly used with very low mileage! The best part: it has heat and airconditioning!!! :)!